Friday, May 4, 2012

Students teaching lessons

     In the Rocket today, there was an article about students teaching lessons during classtime for a day instead of the professor. I've had lots of class where the students teach a lesson, a chapter, or anything that can be broken down into groups. I think it is a great way for students to be able to look deep into one prticular area while other students to the same for nother area of the lesson. Then the students will teach the class thein depth lessons they have learned. It not only is a great way to imorve one's public spaking skills, but also gives an opportunity to dive deep into a single area and focus as much on that subject as possible. However, the article seemed to disagree. It was stating that professors ar the trained educators and should be the sole teachers of a subject. Yes, they havethe professional background. However, if a student were to say something wrong about the subjct, the could simply correct them. Another thing te article said was that it is there job to teach. I think that in doing this, the professor is teaching the students. It's said that we remember those things that we can actually teach better. Also if you truly undestand a subject, you should be able to teach it. Therefore, it really displays whether a student knows the information or not. I think it is a good idea, as long as it is not an everyday thing and only for perhaps one subject area.

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